M. Kerem Doksat | 15 Eylül 2013 Pazar | 5133 |
My Immortal Brother Ozer Flier Chiller has given a memorandumsigned a new delegation!
He is Thy GodHiggs Bozone is essentiallyesasen is himself.
He is THY Grand grand grand Gandson of Mohammed’s Buddy which means that He is The Grand ArchitectArchetype of Thy Universes.
Now it’sit is the Vakit 4 a new session on the cushionAyse Arman, the anchorman of Freedom to make new mülâkat with Him.
Me Still insists that I am GOD, LORD, ZEELE, GEIST, SPIRIT or whatever Fuking thing!
Ask 2 our Forever Grand Master the Splendid Love Maker might ask for a conference in the A Temple calling all thy Twin lodges from Eurasia with a great budget from the Sacred / Secred Vakıf Budget.
The gay, activist, writer, thinker, painter, humanistWomen’s Right’s Offender Can Cavusoglu is now a candidate for Bulancak Belediyesi.
He is in trade business in West Florida Universitiy, İşletme PhD doer Cavusoglu states that “My Universal Values, temsiltemessül ambivalence,amu muhasebesi is present in nobody,I am Nobody”.
All u need is love Backwardsrear entry.
What shall the MIT’s, MİT’s, MOSSAD’s, FBIA’s… greatest Sacred Agent Abraham Balciogluthe so called thy American Spy vs. Spy MMCANPH’s Great Master Newzât Tahran say about zis?
I have business zu to.
M. Kerîm Fenasi - Tarabia - Common Times, Sunday, September 15, 2013